Elettricoop Facebook |+39 334 7516187 | elettricoopimpianti@libero.it
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© Elettricoop
For each order, get a free holiday for 4 people in Italy!
Our best offers:


Our company specialises in installation of wiring, automation systems, air-conditioning systems, anti-theft and video surveillance systems, TV and SAT systems, LAN and Wi-Fi networks. Electricoop build on a solid heritage of values and principles to ensure our customers’ satisfaction.

Certified quality

All systems set-up by Electricoop are certified, and built as per the safety regulations issued by CEI (Comitato Elettrotecnico Italiano) and UNEL (Ente Unificazione Dimensionale Elettrica).
Each product and installation is delivered according to the current legal requirements, which are based on strict durability and reliability parameters.

Elettricoop is also authorised to issue certifications for all technical appraisals supplied, i.e. in all of their fields of expertise.
Following a thorough verification of the existing systems against the applicable suitability criteria, Elettricoop will assess their suitability and issue a certificate in line with their level of accessibility.

50% tax deductions

Elettricoop provides installation services which fall within the applicable tax deductions (50% of the total invoice amount). Said deduction consists of the application of the reduced VAT rate (10%), plus the possibility of including the cost in your tax return to get a refund amounting to the 50% of the total invoice amount
For further information, please see the Contacts section of our website. We will gladly assist you with any questions you might have..